Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Expressions Project Fear research

Fear research

An amazing picture by Dan Brereton, depicting pure panic and paranoia. I learned a lot from this image, especially in terms of how to draw a worried face, and how the hands will typically go to the head when stressed.

'The Scream', a very famous painting of a person having a nervous breakdown and screaming out. It's a very simplified image, but all the key elements are there. The wide eyes, the hands at the face, the mouth.

The emoticon for fear is another simplified image of a person screaming, but it's interesting to see how certain elements of the face have been translated into this art style. For example, the blue haze over the top of the head most likely indicates the colour draining from the face. The pure white eyes are a little hard to understand, but my gut tells me that the lack of pupils indicate a lack of consciousness, as if they are on the verge of fainting from shock.
I don't know who this image is by, but I found it here. I think I like this one the best, because it uses harsh lighting and shadow to heighten the sense of shock in the image. It uses a show of teeth like the image by Dan Brereton to really express the fear in the mouth shape, but it also uses the pure white eyes like the emoticon.

My resulting attempts to replicate certain art styles.